Monday 30 September 2013

Creating a DIY Candy Buffet For Your Wedding

Congratulations! You have decided to feature a candy buffet at your wedding reception! Colourful and enticing – candy buffets look great, generate excitement and provide the perfect icebreaker among guests at your reception. But what are the next steps? Here are some key questions you need to consider when creating your dream candy buffet...

What candy should I buy?
When choosing what kind of candy to buy for your buffet, there are some key points to keep in mind. Firstly, you need to decide upon a theme for your buffet – your theme could be a certain colour or a certain type of sweet, for example retro sweets – which is a very popular and easy to create theme. Check out some ideas for themes here. Secondly, you want to choose a well-rounded mix of sweets so that as many of your guests as possible will find something they like. Jellies, licorice, chocolate, lollipops and boiled sweets are always popular among guests.

How much candy should I buy?
You will probably provide candy bags at your buffet so that your guests can fill up a bag and take it away as a favour. Bearing this in mind, a good rule of thumb is to provide 200g of candy for each guest – so if you had one hundred guests, you would require seven 3kg bags of candy to fill your buffet. Some of the guests will take more than 200g, some will take less and some will take none at all – so this rule should ensure there is enough to go around.

How far in advance should I buy the candy?
It is best to buy candy for your buffet close to the event so that the candy is as fresh as possible. However, it is also advisable to order early enough so that you can comfortably source and order everything you need. Ordering between 3-6 weeks prior to the event is the ideal time to order. Make sure to store your candy in a cool and dry place after you receive it, as this will prevent it from spoiling.

How should I display my candy?
You should buy different shapes and sizes of candy to add variety to your display and this also applies to the containers you use. There are no particular containers you should use, though glass is popular. As long as different shapes and sizes are used, your display will catch the eye.

Where to place the buffet?
The buffet can be placed in the main reception area prior to the meal and then moved to the banquet room for after dinner. You may be concerned that placing it in the main reception area prior to the meal will ruin your guests’ appetite but generally your guests have enough sense not to overindulge and there will still be plenty of candy left for after dinner. Your guests will love filling up a bag and snacking on the candy after dinner and if you are choosing to display in just one area then this is the option recommended.

How will I set up my buffet?
Most hotels will set up the buffet for you as long as you provide them with the display containers and the sweets. If you have hired a wedding planner then ask them to arrange to set it up for you.

So with these key questions in mind, it is time for the fun part - creating your perfect candy buffet. Enjoy!

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